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Vijaya Triguna dewaxed Tincture ( VTG 4000 )  is a very special formulation and a hybrid of IPV4000 ( dewaxed extract) and two other ayurvedic phyto-chemical compounds based on “ancient formulations detailed in  Ancient Literature ( Charak Samhita) , Vijaya Triguna formulation contains Nutmeg and Fennel Oleoresins and Dewaxed cannabis leaf extract. This Ayurveda book has Medicinal formulations based on  Great Honorable Vaidya  CHARAK . This formulation ( VIJAYA TRIGUNA) is capable of balancing the three gunas- SATVA , RAJASA, TAMASA . We Know and believe any human body can only function properly when all these gunas are in fine balance . Scientists have proved that Human race is facing few diseases which are strictly an outcome of  Lifestyle and Environment we live in . A child is born with a Fine balance of these Gunas , but slowly Toxics ( Ama in Sanskrit)  accumulate in our body either from Food or Air we breathe in , or due to excessive negative pressure ( stress) on Brain cells , resulting in slow metabolism , incomplete or partial digestion. VIJAYA TRIGUNA Tincture is capable of fine balancing the outcome from Three NADEES. Just a fine balance of these helps in  insomnia, stress relief, pain relief, inflammation in lungs and improvising liver health.


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