Hemp vs Whey Protein | Which is Better?

Hemp vs Whey Protein | Which is Better?

Dietary protein is essential for life and can come from different sources. 

Why Are Plant-Based Proteins Becoming More Popular?

  • Saturated fat levels are high in processed beef and red meat.
  • Gluten intolerances
  • Increased acceptance of vegetarianism or veganism as a lifestyle
  • Plant-based protein has derived from a variety of sources, including peas, rice, and hemp.

Although, Athletes aren’t the only ones that want to use high-quality protein powders. 

Vegetarians and vegans are also looking for viable protein sources. Of course, individuals can always eat protein-rich veggies, lentils, and beans, but other people may prefer to keep increasing their protein intake without eating. Vegans will have a more difficult time because dairy proteins are not an option for them.

Hemp and whey protein are two of today’s most popular meal substitutes. 

These are especially beneficial for those who are trying to lose weight. Hemp and whey protein powders provide consumers with the proteins they require without extra calories from animal flesh. 



What is Whey Protein?

Whey protein is produced from the cheese-making process and has often dried into a powdered form for dietary supplements. Many whey protein products have concentrated by filtering out the lactose and ash, resulting in formulations which up to 80% protein.

 Whey is rich in branch-chain amino acids and comprises alpha-lactalbumin and beta-albumin. The amino acid profiles of whey protein and hemp protein differ, yet both include all necessary amino acids. 

One scoop of whey protein powder has 120 calories, 24 grams of protein, and less than 1 gram of fat.  Whey protein is more saturated ounce for ounce.



What Is Hemp Protein?

Hemp protein has derived from the hemp plant’s shelled seeds. 

It is produced from industrial hemp seeds containing merely small amounts of THC, provides all of the nutrients without any psychoactive side effects. These seeds are cold-pressed to extract most of the oil and milled later sifted to eliminate part of the fibre.

It is 30% fat and 25% protein, with approximately 80% of the oil being polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Hemp seed protein contains all 20 amino acids, both essential and semi-essential to our body. It’s also completely vegan.

Hemp seeds are well-known for their nutrient-dense profile, and some belief them to be a superfood. It is also one of the most prominent sources of plant-based protein.



Benefits of Whey Protein & Hemp Protein

Whey protein may be helpful in the following situations:

  • Muscle building: Muscles adore protein, mainly complete proteins such as whey, which includes branched-chain amino acids, a type of amino acid that aids in muscle development.
  • Wound healing: The amino acids in whey protein aid in repairing skin and tissues damaged by wounds or surgery.
  • Weight gain and nutritional boost: Whey protein can help those who need to gain weight. It is also beneficial if a person has a long-term sickness and requires additional nourishment.


Hemp protein may be effective in the following conditions:

  • Good Source of Protein: Hemp protein provides all of the benefits of a protein, such as weight control, strong muscles, and rapid recovery after exercise.
  • Easy to digest: Hemp includes the proteins albumin and edestin that are easily digestible by human bodies. According to research, 91-98 percent of hemp protein is digested.
  • Controls blood regulation: Unlike some other highly refined plant-based protein powders, hemp protein has a high fibre level, linked to various health advantages like healthy gut microbes and improved blood sugar regulation.
  • Aid to Heart Diseases: Most of the fat in hemp protein is unsaturated, which is beneficial to heart health.
  • Lactose-free: It’s easy on the stomach because it’s lactose-free.



Hemp v/s Whey Protein

Both have the same potential for muscular development. However, Hemp Protein is easily digestible, whereas Whey Protein frequently causes bloating and gas. In contrast to Whey Protein, which has no beneficial fats, hemp proteins are rich in Omega 3,6,9 and fatty acids. Lactose is present in Whey Protein powder but not in Hemp Protein. Vegans cannot consume Whey Protein since its produced by animals. However, Hemp Protein is absolutely for vegans because it is 100 percent plant-based protein. Whey protein is obtained from milk, whereas hemp protein has sourced from the Cannabis sativa plant. Both offer all of the necessary amino acids in different quantities and have been taken to satisfy your dietary protein requirements. Whey protein powder is a highly concentrated type of protein, whereas hemp oil components contain protein and heart-healthy lipids and fiber.



In conclusion

Although whey protein powder has muscle-building qualities, it also has several drawbacks that some people may find worrying. 

Plant-based hemp protein, on the other hand, have very few adverse effects. Furthermore, they provide more than just vital amino acids; they also include healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, all are good for our health.

Plant-based protein powder is the ideal supplement for your muscle-building needs due to its digestibility, reduced levels of processed and chemicals, and exceptional nutritional content.

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