CBD represents cannabidiol, which is a non-psychoactive chemical compound derived from cannabis Sativa. Hemp and marijuana both come from the cannabis family, but both have distinct effects. Unlike marijuana, hemp doesn’t produce high euphoria. It is due to less amount of THC (if present more than 0.3%, it is responsible for euphoric response or high) in hemp plants.
Researchers have conducted several types of research on animals such as rats for confirming the effect of CBD Oil on the reduction of pain or inflammation. The studies by researchers sugges ted that it provides relief to pain and reduced inflammation but cannot be confirmed for humans based on its application on animals. Although people have shared their personal stories of the soothing impact of CBD on their joint pains and relief from stress or improvement in the sleep cycle with CBD.
Still, the dosage of CBD can be prescribed in certain cases. The government legalized the product of hemp in specific medical conditions in certain states of the US under the federal laws proposed by the Trump government.
How can you use CBD for arthritis treatment?
Arthritis can be of different types such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis so a single medication doesn’t work out for both of them altogether.
Chemicals like endocannabinoids are released by the human body, which works with CBD by activating themselves on neurotransmitters. Once these reach the brain chemicals, they activate themselves and prevent the flow of pain neurons by stimulating CB1 receptor cells. Thus, results in relieving pain and inflammation of joints after the stimulation of CB1 and CB2 receptors.
Results or suggestions of various researches on CBD-
- In 2016, a study showed that if you apply CBD in the form of gel or ointment on affected areas or joints(due to arthritis), there will be a relief in pain and inflammation.
- In 2017, the results of a study discovered that CBD can be considered a safe and considerate treatment choice for the problem of pain in joints and knees due to osteoarthritis.
There have been numerous studies related to this topic but still, there is no absolute confirmation to believe that usage of CBD can cure the chronic pain of arthritis.
Adverse effects of CBD
- Lightheadedness
- Liver problems
- Diarrhea
- Dry mouth
- Mild headache, etc
Although most of the patients get mild symptoms in few cases, there can be complications.
Benefits of CBD
- Soothes pain and anti-inflammatory
- Improves sleep cycle
- Relieves anxiety and stress
- Eliminate skin acne
CBD doesn’t produce high like marijuana so can be used for medical purposes.
How to select an appropriate CBD?
- Cannabis is available in the form of edibles, gels or cream, sprays, vapes, etc. So, the one which takes longer to respond will produce better results. So ingesting capsules would be a better option in contrast to the application of caps.
- You can get CBD in convenience stores, coffee shops, or online stores. Just check its validation from the authoritative third party or a trustworthy lab.
- Prefer the company whose production site resides in the United States and choose domestically cultivated material.
- Consult with your doctor as he will guide you by analyzing your health issues.
Final words
CBD may benefit you by relieving your pain and relaxing your muscles but this should not be your priority in the treatment of arthritis. Primarily, try all other alternatives before switching to this option as till now none of the studies have validated or confirmed its disease-curing function. Even if you opt for CBD after seeking your doctor’s advice, continue with your physical therapy and consume nutritional supplements and lead a healthy lifestyle.